School Board Listening Sessions
The School Board sets aside time for a Listening Session prior to regular School Board meetings, but not at work sessions or special meetings. Time for Listening Sessions at regular School Board meetings is not a requirement of the law; it is something the School Board chooses to provide. The School Board would like to provide the community with some general information about the Listening Session, including the purpose, the procedures that apply, and prohibited conduct.
Purpose of Listening Session
The purpose of the Listening Session of the School Board is to give community members an opportunity to provide input directly to the School Board about issues that fall within the School Board’s authority. To fulfill this purpose, comments must be directed to the School Board. The School Board members will not respond to questions. The board may, however, ask a clarifying question.
The Listening Session is not a time for citizens to speak to the community or to the audience. For this reason, the Listening Session will not be recorded.
Request to Speak
Individuals who want to speak during the Listening Session must submit a written request to speak before 3:00 p.m. on the day of the School Board meeting. Requests must be submitted via the Listening Session Google Form. This electronic form will also be available at the meeting and speakers will be recognized as time allows.
Listening Session Time Frame
The Listening Session of the School Board is scheduled at 6:00 pm, or earlier if the need arises, for 20 minutes. Speakers will have two (2) minutes to address the School Board. This time limit is necessary in order to ensure that the School Board is able to conduct its business during the meeting in an orderly, efficient, and timely fashion. Any person who does not get a chance to speak is encouraged to submit written comments to the School Board. Email addresses for School Board members are listed on the District’s website.
Speakers Must Be Recognized
The School Board Chair will identify the individuals who submitted a request to speak at the listening session.
The School Board Chair will recognize one speaker at a time in the order the requests were received. In addition, the School Board Chair will also prioritize speakers in the following order:
Parents/guardians of students
District residents
District employees
All others
Once the speaker has been recognized by the School Board Chair, they are allowed two minutes to address the School Board during the Listening Session.
Longer time may be granted at the discretion of the School Board Chair.
In the event that an individual chooses to speak to the Board out of order or interrupts a speaker who has been recognized by the Chair, the School Board Chair will rule the speaker out of order and remind participants of the procedures to be recognized before speaking.
Cumulative Presentations
Speakers are encouraged to avoid repeating comments. Redundant comments and presentations deprive other individuals of the opportunity to speak during the Listening Session.
Superintendent Response After Comments to the School Board
Following Comments to the School Board, the School Board Chair may ask the Superintendent or a designee to respond or provide clarifying information to the School Board.