Nonpublic Transportation Reimbursement Guidelines
If your student(s) is transported to and from a nonpublic school at your expense, you may be eligible for reimbursement. Minnesota State Law requires public school districts to provide transportation within the district for resident students attending nonpublic schools.
The student must be a resident of the St. Anthony-New Brighton School District.
The student must live outside of the elementary walk zone for students K-5 and outside of the middle and high school walk zone for students 6-12. You can review building walk zones on our district website under transportation.
There is not an appropriate nonpublic school within the St. Anthony-New Brighton School District (i.e., proper religious or other affiliation, grade levels, etc.)
The student has attended the nonpublic school more than 20 days and has not attended a District school more than 20 days for the same school year.
Reimbursement will be calculated on the student that has attended the most days of school from the same family and not exceed the public school instructional days.
Transportation will be arranged either by the nonpublic school or by the parent. If the parent is providing the transportation, it will be the responsibility of the parent to assure that students are transported safely with adequate insurance kept in force and a qualified licensed driver and the vehicle are in safe operating condition.
Parent/Guardian Responsibility
If your student(s) are eligible according to the specifications listed above, you may use the Parent Request For Transportation Reimbursement Form to request for reimbursement by September 15.
If eligible, transportation reimbursement will be sent to the address on file by August 31st, following the school year. If you have multiple students attending the same school, reimbursement will be determined by the student with the highest number of attendance days. There is a maximum reimbursement of $175 per family/household.
Student Records list with student name, date of birth, grade level, home address, telephone number, and parents' names prior to October 1 each school year.
A list of each students’ attendance for the school year, must be submitted to St. Anthony New Brighton School District Transportation by June 15.