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Section 504


St. Anthony-New Brighton (SANB) is committed to providing a free and appropriate public education to all students, including students who are handicapped, consistent with the definitions set forth in Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Section 504 requires that students who demonstrate “a substantial limitation in a major life function", have a written accommodation plan that will assist with their participation in the general educational environment.

Examples of physical or mental impairments that may be covered under Section 504 include: epilepsy, allergies, vision impairments, broken limbs, cancer, diabetes, asthma, ADD/ ADHD.

Examples of major life activities that can be affected by the student’s disability include: learning, thinking, concentrating, reading, speaking, walking, breathing, sleeping and caring for oneself. Major bodily functions can also be affected, including: brain function, immune system function and/or digestive functions.

SANB Schools requests a diagnosis to assist with eligibility, but a diagnosis is not required to meet criteria.  Other documented sources, observations, and input from the family, classroom teachers, and other school personnel will be used to determine eligibility.

Students who are evaluated under the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) for special education services, but determined to be ineligible and students who are exited from IDEA special education services are considered for evaluation under Section 504. View the Parent and Educator Resource Guide to Section 504 in Public Elementary and Secondary Schools (p. 42).

SANB has one district 504 coordinator, an alternate coordinator, and individual building coordinators who are responsible for all 504 activities. Contact the following staff to find out more about 504 identification requirements, plan development, parental rights and services.

District 504/ADA Coordinator

Hope Fagerland

Executive Director of Academics
District Office

District Alternate 504/ADA Coordinator

Jenny Kuykendall

District Office

Building 504 coordinators