Thank you for your interest in the St. Anthony-New Brighton School District! We are excited to bring you into our diverse community.
If you are a new family to the district,
- View the St. Anthony - New Brighton School District boundary map boundary map to to find out if you live in or out of district boundaries.
- Determine your residency via Pollfinder.
- Review information to determine required documentation.
How to enroll
Frequently Asked Questions
- What if I want to homeschool my student?
- How can I receive free and reduced lunch?
- What is the census?
- What kind of data is collected from my student?
- Is there before and/or after school care?
- Do I need to apply for open enrollment every year?
- Does St. Anthony - New Brighton Schools offer online school?
What if I want to homeschool my student?
How can I receive free and reduced lunch?
What is the census?
What kind of data is collected from my student?
Is there before and/or after school care?
Do I need to apply for open enrollment every year?
Does St. Anthony - New Brighton Schools offer online school?
Boundary Maps
How to use the boundary map
Click on the sidebar tool (top left corner) to see all of the locations/boundaries.
Select your desired boundary and/or location.
The location you choose will be outlined in white.
To search your address, enlarge the screen in the top right corner (you will be taken off of the website.)
Use the magnifying glass in the upper left corner to search for your address.