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Letter to the community from the School Board

Letter to the community from the School Board

Dear Community Members,

At the beginning of the 2022 calendar year, we welcomed two new Board members to the School Board.  Mageen Caines and Mike Overman joined our first School Board meeting of 2022 on Tuesday, Jan. 5.  

As a Board, our work focuses on governing our schools. The work of governance requires a strong team where we learn from one another. Our Board was grateful for the knowledge, wisdom, and experience of Barry Kinsey and Leah Slye, who combined, contributed 48 years of service to our School Board.  
As we transition to this new year and new school board, we welcome our new members, Director Mageen Caines and Treasurer Mike Overman, and the perspectives each member brings to the Board as we continue our work together.

One of the School Board goals in 2022 is focused on engagement and communication. In November, 2021, the School Board developed and sent a survey to seek feedback and input on our current engagement strategies. Our School Board will continue to use the survey data and feedback to improve and implement new communication and engagement strategies.

Develop strategies to engage with a greater number of stakeholders
As a Board, we value getting to know our parents, staff, and community members by listening to concerns and ideas, as well as answering questions to continuously improve our school district.
Our community can continue to connect with School Board members in the following ways:

In addition, our Board is introducing a new strategy for engagement:

  • A board member is assigned to each school building where they will be responsible for attending meetings and events. This shift to a board representation model will allow a board member to meet with parents and staff, develop deeper relationships and understanding of a specific school.
    • Community Services: Mike Overman 
    • Wilshire Park:    Lynne Penke Valdes 
    • St. Anthony Middle School: Mageen Caines 
    • St. Anthony Village High School: Ben Phillip 
    • Northeast Metro 916: Laura Oksnevad 

Develop consistent communication with stakeholders
As a Board, we value consistent communication with our families and community members. We believe this communication provides opportunities for our community to learn about our role as a Board and our responsibility of governance.  
Our community can continue to connect with School Board members in the following ways:

Our Board is exploring the following strategies for communication, based in part on feedback from the community survey:

  • Instituting BoardBook and publishing more detailed agendas
  • E-newsletters to our district families
  • Hosting a table at events (back-to-school, community events, etc)

Thank you for your continued support of the St. Anthony-New Brighton School District. 

The St. Anthony-New Brighton School Board
Laura Oksnevad, Chair
Vice Chair Ben Phillip, Vice Chair
Dr. Cassandra Palmer, Clerk
Mike Overman, Treasurer
Mageen Caines, Director
Lynne Penke Valdes, Director