There is a vacancy on the SANB School Board and, to ensure complete transparency, we want to share the timeline and process the Board will follow to appoint a board member.
In a typical election year, board members campaign for their seat on the school board. In this case, according to the recently amended MN Statute section 123B.09 subd. 5b:
Any vacancy on a school board must be filled by board appointment. If the vacancy occurs less than two years before the end of the term, no special election is required, and the appointed board member shall serve for the remainder of the term. This provision is effective July 1, 2024, and applies to vacancies occurring on or after that date.
Director Mageen Caines, board member, resigned from her position which created this vacancy on the SANB School Board. Her last day was August 1, 2024. The SANB School Board thanks Director Caines for advocating for the community while on the Board and serving as Vice Chair this past year.
The SANB School Board has initiated an application process for the open seat and invites anyone who qualifies to apply. The application is a six-question document that inquires about an applicant’s commitment to enhancing students' learning experiences, improving educational equity and supporting the overall goals of the SANB School Board. Whomever is appointed will then serve the remaining 14 months of the term until December 2025.
The application will remain open until September 20, 2024. The Board will review applications and appoint a new member at the Board meeting on October 1, 2024 who will then be sworn in at the November 6, 2024 Board meeting.
Ben Phillip, Chair
St. Anthony-New Brighton School Board