Ceramic artwork by SAVHS students wins national awards
Ceramic artwork by SAVHS students wins national awards
Congratulations to 9th grader Mackenzie Nicholas and 10th grader Jenna Dierke who both received national level awards at the 26th Annual National K-12 Ceramic Exhibition
The National K-12 Ceramic Exhibition is an annual juried ceramic competition for Kindergarten through grade 12 (K-12) students in the United States. Designed to showcase the best K12 ceramic work made in the country, the exhibition takes place in a different city each year in conjunction with the annual conference of The National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts (NCECA).
Mackenzie received the Orton Foundation Cash Award. The Edward Orton Jr. Foundation, the charitable arm of the original manufacturer of pyrometric cones, awards cash awards and certificates of merit to students in the exhibition. Provided by Thomas McInnernery on behalf the Edward Orton Jr. Foundation.
Jenna received the Bailey Pottery Equipment Award. Jim and Anne Bailey of Bailey Ceramic Supply select 16 students for cash awards and certificates of recognition.
We're proud of our students and their creative drive to create such awesome pieces of ceramic! Great work Mackenzie and Jenna!