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Principal letter to families, survey for 2020-21 school year

Principal letter to families, survey for 2020-21 school year

Dear Families,
Thank you for your patience and flexibility as we provide additional details about the upcoming school year. These past five months have been difficult for so many in our community and beyond. And, as a parent and principal, I can empathize and relate to the pain of the unknown and challenges that families and students are experiencing due to COVID-19. We are also experiencing a great deal of civil unrest in our communities and across the country, impacting our families and children in different ways. Many children have seen their way of life, favorite activities or time with friends be completely changed or come to a complete halt. Our goal is to continue to provide learning opportunities infused with rigor and relevance, while balancing each child’s need for social emotional support.
We have a dedicated district team monitoring the number of COVID-19 cases in our community. This will help direct our district and school to which of the  four plans we will begin with  this fall. All of our plans are grounded in a Distance Learning format. If students attend school in-person, they will be able to access this content at school and receive further instruction/clarification on the learning objectives. Our learning objectives will follow the essential standards of reading, writing and math. Integration of science and social studies will also be present in our lessons. Families will always have the choice of a Distance Learning format in any of these plans. 
Distance Learning
All learning content will be provided to students via an online platform and developed by classroom teachers and specialists. Throughout each week, students will have the ability to connect with their teachers and receive support through Google Meet. 
Modified Hybrid Learning

All learning content provided by classroom teachers and specialists will continue to be delivered through a distance learning platform. Due to increased COVID-19 concerns, identified students requiring school-based resources will have in-person support during the school day. The majority of students will remain in distance learning. 

Full Hybrid Learning
All learning content will be delivered through a distance learning platform. Students will have the opportunity to come to school two days per week to receive help and support from teachers. Specialists will co-teach with classroom teachers. The day will be shortened in an anticipated timeline of 8:30 a.m. to12:30 p.m. Identified students requiring school-based resources will have the opportunity to come into their school building more than two days per week. 

On-Site Learning
All students will have the opportunity to return to school buildings for in-person learning on a regular Monday through Friday format. Full On-Site learning would only resume if there is a significant drop in the number of new COVID-19 cases in Hennepin and Ramsey counties. As a reminder, families can continue the option of Distance Learning.

IMPORTANT- Parents/guardians: please complete this Google Form for every student that you have attending Wilshire Park Elementary School. If you have other children that attend middle or high school in our district, each of our schools will be sending out their own Google Form. It’s crucial for our planning purposes that families fill out a Google Form specific to every child and the school that they attend.

On Aug. 18, the St. Anthony- New Brighton School Board will make a final decision on how our school will start the year. More information will be provided at a later date.

I realize that parents/guardians will be making the best choice for their child and family. I am aware of the complexities and challenges of trying to figure out a new school schedule while balancing a work schedule. 
I also recognize that every family and every child has dealt with the pandemic and civil unrest in our community in very different ways. Children may have or be acting out in ways that are unfamiliar to their usual demeanor. My goal is to make our current situation and school environment (whether we are experiencing in-person, full hybrid, modified hybrid or distance learning) as supportive as possible. We will be focusing on relationships and social emotional learning, while infusing the necessary and important academic components. My ultimate plan is for us to stick together. We are the Pandas of Wilshire Park! Together we'll make this situation the best that we can for all of our kids. Our children need us now more than ever— we will do all that is possible to make this school year full of joy and happiness with a great deal of support along the way.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you would like to talk through this or if you have any further questions.
Kari Page


Wilshire Park COVID Reopening Plan Outline

  • Priorities:
    • Health and safety.
    • Providing an environment where students feel valued, are provided individualized instruction and a focus on creating partnerships with students and families.
    • Providing rigorous, relevant learning while focusing on forming relationships.
  • Distance Learning:
    • All students learn from home. 
    • All content is provided online.
    • Students are provided connections and support.
  • Modified Hybrid Learning:
    • All content is provided online.
    • Identified students, requiring school-based resources and interventions, will have in-person support during the school day.
  • Hybrid Learning:
    • All content is provided online.
    • Students will have the opportunity to come to school two days per week:
    • In-School Days (two days per week either Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/Friday):
      • Half of students will attend each day. 
      • Shortened school day (8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.).
      • Students will get help and support from teachers.
      • Students will stay in a small group (half of a typical sized classroom).
      • Identified students may have the opportunity to attend additional days.
    • Out-of-School Days (two days per week either Monday/Tuesday or Thursday/Friday):
      • Students will learn from home.
      • Support from teachers in the afternoon.
  • On-Site Learning:
    • Students attend school five days per week. 
    • Students can still remain in a Distance Learning format.